
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

H for Humor

English writer and social critic Charles Dickens has once said, “It is a fair, even handed, noble adjustment of things, that while there is infection in disease and sorrow, there is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor.”

There is probably not a single person who doesn't enjoy humor. A dose of good humor can lighten up any situation which is why humor is a great asset to any relationship.

My best and closest friend is my wife Anu. I do not know many husbands who say that about their wives. One of the things that make us good friends is our openness to correction from each other. Of course no one likes to be corrected and neither do we. But why we are open to correction from each other is because we add two special ingredients while giving it. We often mix it with love and a touch of humor. That’s why most of our fights end with a laugh. Let's put it this way, the world laughs at some of the most stupid things we do so why shouldn't we laugh at ourselves?


I must admit, listening to correction about the mistakes that we have done is one of the most difficult things to do. But in our case, listening to each other with love added with a touch of humor makes it easier to listen.

Psychologist Fr. John Antony writes, “Laughing acts as a signal for intimacy. Laughter is rewarding in the sense that the individual will be liked, and accepted as a member of the group. Humor in working groups usually eases tensions, hardship and boredom of work, increases job satisfaction, improves social relationships and results in more cooperation and productivity.”

Take Away Principle: 

Humor is a powerful source for bonding. It can lighten up any situation thereby improving and strengthening the relationship.

Tips on being humorous:

1. Look to add humor every time there is increasing tension between individuals.
2. Be sensitive. What is humorous to one person may not be to the other.
3. Stop taking yourself so seriously.
4. Take it in good light when someone laughs at you. Remember they are laughing because they are comfortable with you.
5. If you’re uncomfortable with them laughing at something, don’t react. Bring it up with them in private.


  1. Humor! Now that is something I can relate to. I always say, if you can't laugh at yourself, you're probably pretty boring. :)

    1. Wow that's a lovely take Loni! And I must say you're right!

  2. Excellent tips! I am lucky too, in that my fiancé is my best friend and I am his. :)

    1. Thanks Carrie! Congrats to you on that too! Not everyone is that lucky!

  3. Excellent tips! I am lucky too, in that my fiancé is my best friend and I am his. :)

  4. Humor is something I use ALWAYS - to break the ice in business meetings, personal interactions, talking about my faith, painful memories, in line when things are tense at the pharmacy, with my children, their teachers, you name it. I think the trick (for lack of a better word) is in what kind of humor you use in each situation and with each person. It takes a special sense of sensitivity to your audience (in intimate settings of course, comics are exempt) to know which "joke" will work when. Like potty humor? My boys love it, but their teachers? No matter how funny it is, they won't get it. How do you know? When you get that look of "This chick has 18 heads, what's wrong with her?" or the sound of crickets. That's how you know! Loved this!

    1. Thank you so much Cristina! Lol! You're right not all humor works with everyone...It definitely does vary to a great extent! And people who don't understand what's more difficult is when you have to explain it to them!

  5. "Stop taking yourself so seriously"--great piece of advice. Thanks for a great post, and for stopping over at Life In Dogs earlier :)

  6. Humour and laughter is indeed the best medicine and yes we need high doses of it in our life! True, anything that is laced with humor (a training session, suggestion for improvement or even a complaint) has better acceptance and receptivity! :)

  7. Touchwood, Danny for that statement about Anu. Not all of us enjoy friendship in marriage. And yet, Humour eases tensions and makes life tasty :) Humour is the salt in the food of life :)

    Waiting for I :D

    1. Thank you so much Sreeja! Wish more marriages were like best friends...would make so many marriages a lot better! Humor is indeed the salt in the food of life...lovely quote!

  8. Love how you talk about your wife:-) I also see humor as essential in a relationship, and am also blessed to have a life-partner and other loved ones who share my crazy sense of humor.. How great is that:-) Great read as always, Danny:-)

    1. Thank you so much Eli! You are indeed blessed...not many have that in their lives!

  9. Danny, so many things to learn from your post. Humour indeed can cement bonds and make quarrels end up on a lighter note. Love that you and Anu are best pals and have deviced such a wholesome way of correcting each other :)

    1. Thank you so much Sunila! It's never been an easy ride but thank God we do have it!

  10. Inspiring post Danny...lots to learn! Blessed to have a husband with a good sense of humour :)

  11. I can find a giggle just about anywhere and love this post. Everyone should have more humor in their lives. Makes life so much happier! ♥

    1. Thank you so much Kathy! And yes, everyone should have more humor in their lives...makes everything go by lighter!

  12. This is a very familiar situation. My sister and I always end up laughing at the end of a fight. Humor key to a happy life :)

    1. That's so true Dhanya! Humor is key to a happy life!

  13. What fun! Enjoyed your post.

  14. Humour is sooo important in our life. I think the best way to be humorous is to laugh at yourself. That way we create a light environment without making anyone feel uncomfortable.

    1. Laughing at yourself is so key! But even that ain't so easy!

  15. Most people like to laugh about others, but very few people have the ability and the willingness to laugh at themselves. Having said that, humour is something that should be used judiciously. We must know where to draw the line.

    1. Well said PI! YOur comments are amazing! Thank you for doing that! WE must indeed know where to draw the line!

  16. Without any humour in life, it will be so dull and dreary.

  17. It's so important to laugh, often. Thanks for encouraging us to do more of it, to have a little humor in our lives, and for giving us some good reasons why. Enjoy. Maria from Delight Directed Living
