
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A for Accountability

This is the first post in the A-Z challenge series. Someone once said that relationships form the fabric of life. While I believe this to be true, I also know that in order to truly find success in life, we need the help of other people. Getting help from other people involves us having to get along with them. And we can’t get along with people if we don't learn to form strong, long lasting relationships with them.

So this A-Z challenge is my attempt to take 26 qualities that I believe we need to have if we are to develop long lasting relationships with other people.

Each post will have my opinion on the quality, a take away principle and a few tips on how we can incorporate it into our lives.


I really thought a lot about what A should stand for and there were many other qualities that came to mind: attitude, amicability etc. but I decided to go for accountability. I believe one of the reasons why relationships fail today is because they are not being accountable to each other.

People who are not accountable are often seen doing their own thing based on their opinions and emotions knowing that they will not be questioned for it. Inevitably over a period of time they make mistakes. These mistakes will not only hurt and affect them but also those they are close with, primarily, since they are not aware.

Accountability is the willingness to explain our thoughts and actions to someone. It communicates that we trust and value their input in our lives. It also makes us responsible to ourselves. Being accountable to those we are close to strengthens and deepens our relationship with them.

Take Away Principle:

Accountability helps us to be responsible towards ourselves and the people we are close to. 

Tips on being accountable: 

1. Evaluate and take into account those areas that you haven't disclosed to anyone.
2. Bring it up with those you trust
3. Invite inspection into every area of your life.
4. Humble yourself by accepting advice, especially from those closest to you.
5. Put the advice to work and make it visible.


  1. I agree ...being accountable brings about a degree if belonging which is imperative in any relationship...Looking forward to the rest of the posts :)

    1. THanks Naba!
      And you're does bring a sense of belonging too! Looking forward myself!

  2. Accountibility is a very important in a relationship. Very insightful tips. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I think it is very important in a relationship too. Without it, a relationship won't last too long! ♥

    1. Relationships have ended in disasters! That's why its that important! Thanks Kathy!

  4. Lack of accountability, in any area of life, is a huge aggravation of mine. It is something I have tried to drill into my children's beings. There is far too much of 'shifting blame' that goes on in this world.

    It isn't difficult to sit back, realize the part you played, and then take responsibility for it.

    Carrie~Anne at That Dizzy Chick

    1. Love the 'shifting blame' point you brought up Carrie! You're so right! If only we would all take up responsibility!

  5. You have chosen a very very valid point, Danny. Attitude is common to think if, your choice here is a variety :) yes, accountability strengthens a relationship in more ways than one ! Waiting for your B :)

    1. Thank you so much Sreeja! And I agree with you...accountability strengthens relationships in more ways than one!

  6. You have chosen a very very valid point, Danny. Attitude is common to think if, your choice here is a variety :) yes, accountability strengthens a relationship in more ways than one ! Waiting for your B :)

  7. Being accountable requires maturity. Sadly too many people who fail to hold themselves accountable are busy playing the blame game, which is never a good idea in a healthy relationship.
    Visiting from A to Z ~

    1. YOu've said it rightly Wendy! One has to be mature enough to accept responsibility and to be responsible! And yes, the blame game easily kills a relationship!

  8. What a loving, wonderful topic! I love the tip about being humble and accepting advice! Great post! ~ Angela, A to Z participant from Web Writing Advice ( and Whole Foods Living (

    1. Thank you so much WFL! Many times it's not easy to accept advice!

  9. A lovely theme! And I agree, accountability is a sign that you hold your partner in equal importance. Coincidentally, my husband has just apologised to me for eating the last oatcake, hardly a serious offense, but his sense of accountability is commendable :-)

    1. Wow Lisa! being accountable in small things helps us to be accountable in bigger things! Great to hear that you know what happened to that last oatcake! ;)

  10. I love the way your blog is looking, Danny. I just had to say that first! :)
    In the days of passing the buck, accountability is indeed a virtue that a lot more of us need to cultivate. Great theme.

    1. Thank you so much Corinne! The whole design was made possible by my sister who worked her heart out! Will be posting on that later!
      And yes, we need to cultivate accountability... and it's not easy to do so. Passing the buck always seem easier!

  11. A perfect read with my morning tea today! And it gives you something to think about and relate to your own life.. The willingness to explain your thoughts and actions to someone... Yes, - great start of the challenge Danny -will pop by for more on your very interesting theme:-)

    1. Thank you so much Eli... and trust me it doesn't come easy!

  12. Accountability is much needed and this post of yours make me correlate a lot of things thats happening around me these days!

    1. Hey... am so glad it did! It's been an eye opener for me as I was writing!

  13. Agree completely. Accountability is a commitment of the head, heart, and hands to fix the problem and never again affix the blame! A fab post and love the new look of your blog, Danny :)

    1. Wow Shilpa! love that statement and couldn't agree with you more!
      Blog credits to my sister... Will be posting on it later!

  14. Accountability is indeed an often virtue often lost in blame games! Great start with powerful A

    1. Thank you so much Aditi... it's often a forgotten Virtue!

  15. An inner virtue essential of for bonding of relationships....thanks for sharing

  16. Good choice. Well said. More people need to understand accountability, which requires responsibility, in all relationships - marriage, parenting, occupation, society. I look forward to reading more of your thoughts.

    Livin' Out Loud 4 Jesus at

    1. Thanks you so much Merrie! Yes, this applies in all relationships! You've to learn to be responsible!

  17. Yes accountability or taking responsibility for your actions including the good and bad you bring to your relationships is really important. Good post, Danny!

    1. Thanks Rachna! That's right, you've to bring both good n bad!

  18. Absolutely.Accountability is the key to any relationship.

  19. Accountability, firstly to oneself and then to others, is absolutely essential, not only in relationships, but in life.

    1. Thats' true PI! And its that kind of a life that will truly stand out!

  20. Accountability is one of those topics that I typically avoid. One of my biggest fears in my relationship is becoming a nag. I hear people talk about how their wife nags them to do this or do that. It's said with such disdain that it terrifies me. My husband doesn't have an issue with it (thankfully his follow-through on projects is pretty good). But what do you think? Where's the line between accountability and nagging? Is it only accountability when they ask you to hold them accountable?
